parent nodes: Black Hood | Brooklyn Brawlers | Popular Super Heroes | Roosevelt High | Super Powered School System | The Firefly | The SHIELD | The Strangler | Wizard Hero


The Shield was a one of the earliest popular heroes in the world, rising to prominence during World War 2. He would go on to be a popular hero during the post war years, and after losing his powers, would go on to be one of the founders of Roosevelt High, and the SPSS as a whole.
Tom Higgins was a scientist who was working on a formula that would grant superpowers. However, he was killed during the Black Tom Explosion set up by the Nazis and was framed for said explosion. Tom manages to tell his son Joe about the unfinished formula called S.H.I.E.L.D., which stood for Sacrum, Heart, Innervation, Eyes, Lungs, and Derma. Joe then became a chemist and completed the formula in order to clear his father's good name.

However before using the formula, his father's killer goes after Joe. After being badly beaten, Joe crawls back to his lab and uses the formula into his body. He sealed himself into a special white suit and was exposed to "flouroscopic rays" for 12 hours. This process gave him superpowers, allowing him to become the crime fighter called the Shield. The process also gives his costume its patriotic colors. He joined the FBI with his identity was only known by FBI Chief J. Edgar Hoover.

The Shield had several crime fighting allies. One of those allies was the comically clumsy Ju Ju Watson, a FBI combat trainer, and his girl Mamie who was a bit of a ditz. Shield's private detective girlfriend Betty also sometimes assisted her man. Later, Joe Higgins would form a team known as the Brooklyn Brawlers, made up of himself, Wizard, The Firefly, and Black Hood.

The Shield fought enemies such as The Vulture, The Strangler, [The Hun] and [the Son of the Hun].

Powers and Abilities

The Shield has limited super-strength, invulnerability, can leap superhuman distances, superhuman stamina, resistant to heat and electricity, and made him bulletproof and flameproof. His costume was also indestructible and protected from fire and bullets. Eventually, Higgins lost his powers and could not repeat the process that gave him his abilities, but continued to fight crime without them.